Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Raphael Delgado Art Studio

May 9, 2015

After going to the grand opening of 1810 Gallery, I went to check out the Raphael Delgado Art Studio on 1200 S Street. I am impressed  with the amount of studio space for just one man and the artist clearly uses every inch of the space with various projects using various mediums and many experimentations involving heavy emphasis on texture, form, and color. Overhearing Raphael speaking to some fellow art lovers, he works in all mediums ranging from traditional painting to sculpturing to craft art. Raphael also mentioned his work routine, which usually involves having all the blinds shut when he is creating art and only opens them for showings like Second Saturday or when he has come to a good stopping point in whatever piece he is working on.

My personal favorites pieces are his mixed media sculptures that involves mirrors and some material that mimics stalagmites which where very bold yet elegant looking the way it was suspended in conjunction with the mirror pieces. Another aspect of the studio that interest me was the various in progress works of all different types of media. The creativity and ideas of Raphael just flows actively all around the room and I found it very inspiring.

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