Thursday, May 7, 2015

Mechanics by Sokthea Chan

Mechanics: recent works of CSUS graduate Sokthea Chan shares his love for gears and the mechanical devices associated with it as he proceeds to bring life and movement to these objects. Sokthea's paintings gives us a world where each individual mechanical piece has a personality of its own and not necessarily dependent on other objects as we usually think they would in the real world. 

His paintings have a very fast movement within them, mostly done with ambiguous painting gestures to imply this.  On his painted pieces, there is great emphasis on earth tones of greens, blues, and browns which also gives the mechanical objects a humanistic feature. His paintings are larger than life and in two particular pieces are triptychs. His mediums range from ink wash, oil paint, acrylic paint, and graphite. His supports also range from canvas, unstretched canvas and wood.

Overall, I felt this was a good show considering the huge sizes of the paintings but I would have been nice to present some of his smaller works to maximize the few instances of bare wall space.

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