Thursday, March 19, 2015

Sean Clute, Interdisciplinary New Media Artist

New Media Art department candidate lecture by Sean Clute from March 11, 2015.

Due to nature of lecture and time constraint, this blog will more or less be written in note form highlighting key art projects and the importance of them.

  • Shabala, Bulgaria 8/11/1999. Massive solar eclipse event. After performance with electric guitar and sound pedals, a feeling didnt sit well with the artist. This led to a quest for new expression and led to new media as that expression.
  • Invent. Greek mythology (mythos) project. Incorporated simple animation with projector and live camera feed of artist's performance at the same time to collaborate a visual piece. Used Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects, and Max/MSP Jitter.
  • Adapt. (Stories from Dubai) Talked about the struggle to create an installation in Dubai such as multiple location movements, weather and environment conditions, and dealing with local customs and beliefs.
  • Play. University of Arizona, created a piece titled "Circles" which consist of a large touchscreen to interact with dancers and musicians. Equipment used are a sound system, IR camera, IR emitter, rear projector, projection surface, laptop and coding.
  • Collaboration. Worked many times with a group called Double Vision which originated in Oakland. Created events that incorporated movements and sound.

Sean Clute's works emphasize heavily on the human interaction and sound, which based on the examples shown I would classify as more performance art. Personally I am unsure what he can provide/teach prospective students based on his past projects that he chose to share and responses from some students after the end of his lecture. I also felt many of the projects he could have gone into more detail regarding the purpose and execution of the pieces and what he was trying to achieve in each. For more information about Sean Clute and his works, visit

L to R: Faith Sponsler, Sean Clute, Ian Harvey, Lindsey McGrath. photo by me.

L to R: Lindsey McGrath, Sean Clute, Faith Sponsler and John Chanthaphone.

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