Monday, March 16, 2015

Commune: Form Collective

About "Commune"
Commune: Art by the FORM Collective offers a unique insight into how the subject matter has a multitude of discrete references are connected to each other. Members of the FORM collective are training in their relative visual languages, represented at the University Union Gallery by painting and ceramics. Each student-artist is discovering ways to connect to the historical moment.

I was lucky enough to participate in this art exhibition with my fellow peers/talented artists. It is nice to see the various styles and mediums every student is utilizing. The only downfall most the consensus agreed upon was the lack of lighting available to properly display each artist's piece at their best.

Commune front flyer.

Commune rear flyer.

A small sample of the works on display.

Some of the artists. (I'm second from the left)

My piece, "Madonna of the Demon Breasts 2"

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