Thursday, March 19, 2015

Visions: Comic Illustrators Exhibit

Consumnes River College presents "Visions: Comic Illustrators Exhibit," which features the works of local comic artists Robert Love (Number 13/ Never Ending), CP Smith (Wolverine/Ten Grand), Mel Rubi (Red Sonja/Boundead) and Thomas Yeates (Prince Valiant).

I was a former student of Cosumnes River and was very excited to see this new gallery building which was completed last semester. I was also nice to talk to my old professors such as Jeff Kimbler and Yoshio Taylor, who is also the curator for the gallery building. (side note: the second floor on the CSUS Union displays one of Yoshio Taylor's pieces, a full size clay humanoid sculpture, similar to the pair of harlequin sculptures on the east entrance of the Downtown Plaza which he also constructed)

The gallery building is a beautiful space with large amounts of wall space, very high ceilings, and excellent lighting. It also has wall partitions that not only added more wall space to provide for more opportunity to display work but also provides a nice path for viewers to flow throughout the building.

As for the actual exhibition, I thought it was a great success, besides the food and refreshments, there was also live music and most importantly a lot of art. I use to be an avid comic collector (mostly mainstream publishers like Marvel and DC) and it was enlightening to see lesser known comic titles that still possess the same quality of art as mainstream comics. I particularly enjoyed the works of Mel Rubi because his style of drawing the human figure and to convey dynamic movements within each comic panel was very pleasing to me and reminded me of other comic artist that inspired me.

Visions flyer, exhibition runs from March 6 to April 24.
Thomas Yates's "Timespirits" issue 1 cover.
Me with "Timespirits"
"Mad Mauler" by Robert Love

"Friends" by Robert Love

"Queen Red Sonja" by Mel Rubi

"Queen Red Sonja" by Mel Rubi

Wolverine 41 Cover by C.P. Smith

Wolverine Noir Cover by C.P. Smith 
Wolverine cover by C.P. Smith

Punisher X-Mas by C.P. Smith 

Timespirits issue 5 by Thomas Yeates


  1. Now you're cooking. Is this what you do?

    1. I've always enjoyed comic art and animation. It is huge influence on my personal art style.
