Monday, April 27, 2015

2015 Art Syposium

This years Art Symposium's topic is the Art of the 60's and 70's in Northern California. California in these time periods greatly influenced the art of the time especially with the nation's involvement in world affairs as well as affairs within our own land.

The Art Symposium's opening key note speaker was Micheal Schwager, who felt the art of 50's should also be included in this symposium. Micheal Schwager talked about many pieces of art that he felt were very influencial to California at the time, especially focusing on art in the 50's. Some of the art work mentioned are as follows:

Micheal Schwager, Dont Hide the Madness: Bay Area Art in the 50's and 60's

  • "Hurray for Peace, My Way!" (1950) oil on wood
  • "Peace Flag" (1953) by Wally Hedrick oil on canvas
  • "Christmas Tree" (1953) - Idea of funk style
  • "Spider Lady" (1957-1959) by Bruce Conner, film
  • "Song of Innocence" (1957) by Jay DeFeo, oil on canvas
  • "Brambles" (1957) by Joan Brown, oil on canvas
  • "ETYA" (1958) by Sonia Gettoff, oil on canvas
  • "Child" (1959 - 1960) by Bruce Conner, inspired by capital punishment issues
  • David Park, founder of Bay art.
  • "Coffee" (1956) by Richard Diebenkorn, oil on canvas
  • "Man Walking" (1958) by Nathan Oliveria, oil on canvas
  • "Figure in Landscape" (1957) by Elmer Bischoff , oil on canvas
  • "Standing Figure" (1959) by Manuel Neri, plastic with enamel

Keynote speaker, Micheal Schwager.

The first speaker was Makeda Best, Assitant Professor, Visual Studies at California College of the Arts/ Oakland, CA/ Radicalizing the Artistic - Production Models, Techniques, and Forms of the Political Poster in the 1960s and 1970s. Makeda Best speaks about the impact of events such as the Vietnam War and civil right movements that have impacted art at the time. Some key points Best mentions are as follows:

  • Rupert Garcia, posters and society: San Francisco Museum of Art, 1974
  • Prints created to raise awareness and served as a tool in political movements, as well as displays and marches
  • Poster artists made choices to support theme, technology also helped in production of posters
  • Third World Liberation Front (TWLF) produced a strike at San Francisco University, through them, schools created ethnicity courses.

Speaker, Makeda Best and Faith Sponsler's head in foreground.
Me, Ashley and Doug going on break! 


  1. You must have taken some hardcore notes to remember all of that information about the slides without taking photos! I'm kind of surprised you didn't, though. I mean, you took lots of nice pictures for your other posts. Either way, I like how succinctly you summarize the speakers.

    1. I was definitely taking a lot more notes, I was taking pictures of the slides that interest me but most of the pictures seemed overexposed and weren't that clear to post on the blog, I blame the sunlight from the side door.
